pigment print on bamboo paper, framed. 50 x 40 cm. 2022.
In one of my earliest memories, I am sitting in a snowy forest, drinking tea from a thermos, while my father and other relatives are cutting firewood. Growing up in a ten minute walking distance from the next forest, I have always enjoyed being there. Depending on my age, the forest served as a playground, party location or simply as a place to be alone.
Today, when I walk through the forests of my childhood and adolescence, I mostly feel pain because those forests are sick now as a consequence of monoculture, heavy forestry, drought and bark beetle damage.
WALD is a mixed-media work which is related to my experiences in the contemporary forest. Thus, the process of creating this work includes some violence.
pigment print on bamboo paper. 120 x 80 cm. 2022.